Sunday, 27 June 2010
You asked so.....
Thursday, 24 June 2010
Did I go to Florida, or did I go to......
Oh, I've got LOADS more piccies but blogger is being difficult. Maybe I'll upload more later. I couldn't do any while I was away as Windows decided to launch a MAHOOOSIVE update and my poor little netbook's teeny brain couldn't cope. It sat in the drawer and refused to switch on. My IT guru (aka Colin!!) is on the case but it hasn't come out of hiding yet.....
AND guess who sat beside me on the plane coming home??? Well, yes, Colin but ALSO - Dumbledore!! Yes, Sir Michael Gambon was sat in the next suite to me in Upper Class (did I mention we flew upper class? Oh, I did?!). Mind you, I wished he wasn't during the night - the man has rather bad sinus issues!! Ginny Weasly was also on the flight but didn't seem too happy and kept her head under her duvet for most of the flight.
When we landed at Gatwick the trolly dolly announced that we were pulling onto gate 9 3/4 - Colin said that was good as we wouldn't have far to walk. Bless him!
Well, it's nice to be home and out of the 101F temperature and it's good to have my Digey back but if anyone wants to swap washing baskets with me, let me know....!
Tuesday, 8 June 2010
Not a bad view from a Florida hotel room!