Wednesday, 16 December 2009
This one's for mum!!

It's not all hot sunshine here you know....

Saturday, 5 December 2009
How to spend a December afternoon

Ah well, I suppose any of them will do!
Tuesday, 1 December 2009
Look what I've got!!!!

Oh yes, the hotel is nice too!! Well, gotta get my priorities sorted..... The weather is gorgeous. Just about to have a bit of lunch then I think an afternoon in the pool is in order. It's so weird, there are Christmas trees all over the hotel but the sun is cracking the flags. Bizarre!!!
How sunny is it? Take a look!

Saturday, 28 November 2009
I'm sad......and happy:-)
I'm happy because that means holiday time is here at last!!!! Yay, off to the airport tonight and then off to the sunshine tomorrow! AND they have opened the Gatwick clubhouse a week early so we don't have to go in the V-room after all. Big smiles :-)
I'll try to keep you updated with pictures of sunny beaches, yummy food and super cheap stash but I may just be having too much fun........
Wednesday, 11 November 2009
I am 7!!!
XX Digey
Monday, 9 November 2009
Who'd have thought it???????
Wednesday, 7 October 2009
I'm so cute!
Mummy and daddy took me to Leysdown on Saturday and I got to do LOTS of swimming. It was a bit windy and mummy complained cos she couldn't do knitting but I had fun so that's the main thing.
I hope we can go again soon.......
XX Digey
Sunday, 4 October 2009
We went to the Science Museum
Saturday, 5 September 2009
I had fun too
I missed my mummy but nanny's biccies cheered me up.
XX Digey
Fun couple of days
Thursday, 6 August 2009
I'm more impressed with me...
XX Digey
I'm so impressed with myself!
It has taken me three months of knitting (and 5 hours for supermum to wind the skein into a ball! I now have a swift and a ball winder, much to her relief!!!!) but I am sooooo thrilled with it. 2000 yards of Cherry Tree Hill yarns 100% merino laceweight later, I have this!
Now I need an 'occasion' to wear it......
Sunday, 2 August 2009
This is what happens.....
Sunday, 14 June 2009
I went to the seaside
Yesterday was
Digey had a fab time too, paddling in the sea and sunbathing. A good day out for all!
Friday, 12 June 2009
As promised - some knitting!!!!
This is my first lace shawl. It's knitted in some vintage (i.e. old!) yarn I got from eBay. It's a blend of 50% merino wool and 50% cotton. Super soft. I'm very pleased with it and I was extra chuffed to find matching tassels - in Basildon market, no less!!!! The pattern is by Ilga Leja, a gorgeous pattern and very easy to follow. I have a couple more of her's that I am keen to knit. I'm now knitting it again in my GORGEOUS laceweight that Colin bought me (reluctantly - it was VERY expensive!!) on my birthday from IKnit London. That will teach him to take me to a wool shop on my birthday. Tee hee!
The next one is my first ever piece of laceweight, again one of my eBay bargains! Well, I've never knitted anything this fine before so I thought I'd start with something cheap!! Mind you, it is still 100% hand-dyed wool from Uruguay so it wasn't bad stuff. I'm very pleased with it, especially with myself for actually finishing it! My blocking leaves a bit to be desired but I am sure it will get better. I've got the bug now and I'm really into lace knitting and laceweight yarn. Lots of shawls for me!
As I'm so pleased with myself, I thought I would show you a close up of the stitch pattern so you can see just how clever I am (tongue firmly in cheek, of course!!!!!!).
I have also made a couple of little neck scarves but they need to be blocked. Watch this space!
Monday, 8 June 2009
My tummy feels funny.......
I can't believe that dog!!!!!!

Monday, 11 May 2009
I knew he'd get there first!!
We decided he deserved a holiday so we took him to Cornwall. He was very good on the train although he didn't like the tube much. He managed to con a few people out of their snacks so it was all good!! I notice he has already posted some pictures, although they are all of him!
I found a couple of excellent wool shops while we were away (of course!!). I can thoroughly recommend Kuiamo Crafts in Fore Street, St Ives and Knit Wits, Causewayhead, Penzance. Thanks to the generosity of my friends who gave me money for my birthday I was able to come home with some Manos del Uruguay silk blend and some amazing yarn by Gedifra (as well as some yarn for a small scarf and some bobbly yarn for a wrap......). We also visited the Cath Kidston shop in St Ives on more than one occasion...! I am going to try to post some piccies of my finished knits (when I finish some - I'm very good at starting things!). It will be nice to have a record of them somewhere.
My favourite place....
I want to go back!
Oh well, off to chop some carrots for Digey's dinner.
At last!!!!
We've just got back from St Ives. Yes - I got a holiday. It was fun. Here are some pictures.
I went on a train for the first time (well 8 altogether!). I was VERY brave.
We went on the beach every day. It was fab. Here is a piccy of me on the beach.
Then they made me sit under this sign. I don't know why?????
Well, I'm sure you enjoyed hearing what I've been up to. Hopefully she'll let me have the puter again soon.
XX Digey