Friday, 24 December 2010
Tuesday, 21 December 2010
I've got a cold bum!!
Anyway, I'm done with snow now so please take it all away. I'm just waiting for Santa now. I think he's already been though as there are yummy smelling things in the spare room. Maybe with the snow he's delivering early. I should be able to have the goodies now in that case, shouldn't I?
Sunday, 31 October 2010
Boo! Lick or Treat...
Saturday, 30 October 2010
Busy busy busy!!!
I'm also enjoying (!) the thrills of C2C and London Underground. Having always had jobs where I could walk or drive, taking the train is something of a novelty. And boy are there a LOT of steps on the tube network!! Still, I'm not only going to have a professional qualification at the end of my course but also thighs of steel so it's not all bad!
Back to the books now. Wish me luck in Dartford!!
Wednesday, 15 September 2010
I'm on my holidays!!
Sunday, 5 September 2010
No new blanky for me, I see
Tuesday, 31 August 2010
Sorry! I've been busy......
This is a cardi I made with some fab wool from Joanns in America. I loved this pattern - the body is knitted in one piece and then the sleeves are picked up and knitted in the round. No sewing up!! Woohoo!
This is a shoulder shawl, made from sock yarn. It's actually a semi circle (I folded it for the picture!) and by the end you have a RIDICULOUS amount of stitches on the needles.
This is a kit mum got me for Christmas (after some subtle hinting on my part...). I do like a rainbow.
This is known as 'knitting crack' on! It's 'Ishbel' by Ysolda Teague and a deceptively simple lace shawl. Why the nickname? Well, it's so simple and so pretty, as soon as you finish one, you want to knit another!! And, yes, mum has already suggested that she might like one....
Well, back to the needles.......
Friday, 30 July 2010
OOOH my feet hurt....
Sunday, 27 June 2010
You asked so.....
Thursday, 24 June 2010
Did I go to Florida, or did I go to......
Oh, I've got LOADS more piccies but blogger is being difficult. Maybe I'll upload more later. I couldn't do any while I was away as Windows decided to launch a MAHOOOSIVE update and my poor little netbook's teeny brain couldn't cope. It sat in the drawer and refused to switch on. My IT guru (aka Colin!!) is on the case but it hasn't come out of hiding yet.....
AND guess who sat beside me on the plane coming home??? Well, yes, Colin but ALSO - Dumbledore!! Yes, Sir Michael Gambon was sat in the next suite to me in Upper Class (did I mention we flew upper class? Oh, I did?!). Mind you, I wished he wasn't during the night - the man has rather bad sinus issues!! Ginny Weasly was also on the flight but didn't seem too happy and kept her head under her duvet for most of the flight.
When we landed at Gatwick the trolly dolly announced that we were pulling onto gate 9 3/4 - Colin said that was good as we wouldn't have far to walk. Bless him!
Well, it's nice to be home and out of the 101F temperature and it's good to have my Digey back but if anyone wants to swap washing baskets with me, let me know....!
Tuesday, 8 June 2010
Not a bad view from a Florida hotel room!

Sunday, 6 June 2010
Sunday, 30 May 2010
Cats go to London to look at the Queen.
We walked along the Queen's Walk. I didn't see the Queen, even if she was walking. You'd think she would have been there with her corgis but she wasn't. There were soooo many new things to smell I was kept very busy. Then we went into the Galleria and mummy and daddy had chicken and cheese bagels with barbeque sauce. I wanted one with sausage but no one asked me. I got a bit of mummy's though (not a very big bit...)
Then we came home and I FINALLY got my lunch :-)
XX Digey
Monday, 17 May 2010
It's a jungle out there!
Then we went to Selfridges. We saw six there but we couldn't find Gerald!! We found the Emerald Queen though and yes, those are REAL emeralds on her head! No wonder that one's not outside on the streets!!!
Sunday, 16 May 2010
Oh I do like to be.....
Monday, 10 May 2010
I've been shooting elephants!
We went up to London yesterday to hunt for the elephants from Elephant Parade 2010, an art installation to raise awareness of the risk to elephants worldwide. The elephants are on display all over London until 23rd June and then will be auctioned to raise money for the cause.
Wednesday, 21 April 2010
Silly dog
Back to the vet tomorrow. Fingers crossed!
Look at me!
We went to the vee ee tee on Monday and I was supposed to have my stitches out but they didn't do it. Something to do with me pulling one out or something. I thought I was helping. Anyway, now I have to take some tablets and stuff and I have to wear this. Daddy wasn't very pleased as it's his but mummy was as she never liked daddy wearing it. Don't know why....
XX Digey
Monday, 12 April 2010
Fatty lump??!! Hah!
XX Digey
Ok, Digey, if that's what you want to tell people.......
My brave little soldier

Hurry up and get better, Digey
Thursday, 8 April 2010
It's mummy's birthday today!
Love Digey
Sunday, 7 March 2010
OMG I touched a peel off!!!!!!
We coloured peel offs (yes, I touched one, well two actually!) with alcohol inks. Even I have to grudgingly admit that they looked good but will I be buying any? Hmmm, well the jury's out on that one......
The background is actually the waste from a crossword peel off (I keep using that phrase...), I never would have thought of doing that. The card's not finished but I think it looks good so far.
Then we used an item I'm sure we ALL have in our crafting stash - shaving foam!!!! What a mess but amazing results. Marred somewhat by having to do my first ever piece of decoupage - LOL! The shaving foam technique is incredible, it looks like a right mess but the results are fascinating. Colin may have to grow a beard.